Tuesday, July 5, 2011

And so another blog spins up

After telling myself every few weeks before i leave work that tonight's the night I'll start up a blog again....I've finally found the motivation to get the ball rolling. I'm hoping to get on this beast once a week and post maybe some small findings at work or something i just think the world needs to see in yet another location on the internet.

In the coming weeks I'll be preparing a talk at my old college Full Sail and will probably put up a few things and make this something that the students can look back at or get information i promised. I personally had a great experience at full sail and it helped me get into the industry and stay there. I'd like to hopefully give back a bit to the students and help them with whatever bit of knowledge i can on how to get the most of the time they have a school.

Aside from that looks like Lucas is sending me off to SIGRAPH this year, pretty stoked on that. I've been going through as much as i can on the site to make sure i'll get to see everything i want to see while I'm there, and grab a few cold pints as well. Should be a good show this year so I'll try and update in the evenings of what i saw that day.

Hopefully some one will find this blog and appreciate any small bit of information i may accidentally leave behind. oh and dont mind the grammer, never was very good at it, sorry.